“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
Maya Angelou
It was July 9, 2007, when a shy, quiet girl from Nuenen – a small town in the Netherlands and once the home of Vincent Van Gogh – first walked onto Om El Arab to participate in the famed farm’s prestigious internship programme. Even though Santa Ynez, California, was worlds away from home, the 20-year-old enthusiastically embraced her new chapter, eager to learn the ins and outs of breeding Arabian horses despite her dressage-filled childhood with Dutch Warmbloods. Little did Yvonne Van Stiphout realise how much this farm would form, mould, and change her life.
“At that point, it was my responsibility to teach and manage our interns,” said Janina Merz, owner of Om El Arab and daughter of the late Sigi Siller, who founded Om El Arab. “When she arrived, Yvonne was shy and a bit quiet, yet so enthusiastic about learning everything. The interns with that kind of attitude always ended up with more responsibilities. I taught her how to start horses, collect breeding stallions, foal out mares, and on and on.”

Janina with Yvonne on Om El Al Azeem on her wedding day. Credit Kelly Campbell
After the conclusion of her 18-month Om El Arab internship, Yvonne headed to Australia for another internship, this time a two-month internship with sport horses.
“It was a terrible experience,” reflected Yvonne. “Especially coming straight from Om El Arab, where I was treated like family.”
Yvonne graduated in 2009 and went to New Zealand for a stint before realising where her heart lay: Om El Arab. She officially joined the team on 11 October 2011 as an assistant breeding manager, but within one year quickly took on a more managerial role in the large, active farm.
As it turned out, the timing was perfect. Between Sigi’s declining health and Janina’s role as a new mother, things slowly yet steadily began to fall in Yvonne’s lap. She simply didn’t miss a beat.
The official change happened when Sigi passed away in 2016. “Yvonne was my lifesaver,” said Janina. “She was our boots-on-the-ground person who gradually took charge of the day-to-day responsibilities of the farm.

Yvonne riding Om El Shawan. Credit April Visel
Yvonne recalls the day she realised her potential: “We’ve historically hosted a large open house each year following the Arabian Breeders World Cup show. In 2016, Sigi underwent emergency surgery in Switzerland during the World Cup. Janina left quickly to be with her mum, and I soon realised everyone would be gone for the open house. I remember thinking, ‘Okay, I’m running this show.’ That was a big moment for me. I realised I could do this; the same realisation happened for Janina. Our communication was solid, and everything was under control.”
It was an extremely difficult chapter for Om El Arab after Sigi passed shortly thereafter. Janina stepped into the role of her mother, managing things such as billing, sales, breeding decisions, strategy, promotion, travel, and more. Yvonne, similarly, stepped into Janina’s former role of farm manager, although both would quickly tell you they were, in every essence, a partnership.
And what a partnership they were! One a young mother, now motherless, and growing in her new role. The other, a power lifter and French bulldog collector, now realising her full potential. And both women were blossoming together into new roles, new growth, and new responsibilities they never knew they were capable of. They were different in many ways, yet shared the same deep work ethic, deep levels of courage, and deep loyalty to the horses, the programme, the clients, and most of all, each other.

Yvonne riding the waves with Om El Al Azeem. Credit April Visel
Yvonne’s responsibilities at Om El Arab are endless, including foaling, breeding, collecting, freezing, embryo transfers, halter breaking, starting under saddle, medical care, management of staff, supply manager, billing, website work, client relationships – and the list goes on and on. Every corner of the farm – and every one of the 150+ horses – shares Yvonne’s touch.
In fact, Janina will be quick to tell you another little-known fact of Yvonne’s superpowers: She is a savant at remembering facts about every horse that has ever spent time on the farm. “That woman can pull up any birth date of any foal she’s ever foaled out… By memory!” exclaimed Janina. “In all the years she’s been here, Yvonne remembers every small detail about every single horse… When they were born, what the birth was like, you name it. And she does it because she loves them so much, which is beautiful too.”
Anyone who’s been involved with a large equine operation understands the deep peace of mind in knowing that, even when they’re gone, the horses are in impeccable care. “I travel a lot for our business,” said Janina. “I can always leave the farm knowing that the horses are 100% cared for. Yvonne has my full trust, and any decisions she would make in my absence were, without fail, the same decisions I would make if I were there. It has been such a blessing to have that kind of comfort.”

Yvonne with Om El Sinon. Credit April Visel
However, life changes unexpectedly sometimes. In 2020, Yvonne met Josh Williams, who lives near Destin, Florida, and the two were married on the front lawn of Om El Arab in 2023. With his father’s declining health, the two decided that a permanent home for the couple in Florida was the right choice. Yvonne will officially call Florida her new home in November.
And yet, home is as much where one’s heart is as it is an address. “Om El Arab will always be home for me,” said Yvonne. “It shaped me into who I am today. Janina taught me so much, not simply with the horses, but in life as well. She’s given me so many opportunities putting her trust in me.”
Even in separate interviews, Janina expressed the same thoughts: “What a life force she is! She’s such a special human being. I love having watched her mature from this shy, quiet young girl who first arrived here seventeen years ago into what she is now: strong-willed and completely sure of herself. And she has every right to be! She is profoundly competent in her job. There isn’t a horse she doesn’t understand or can’t sweet-talk into loving her. She’s truly remarkable. Yvonne is also incredibly strong and is able to handle young horses with many boundaries in place, and the horses thrive. I’m not exaggerating when I say she is truly one of the most talented horse people I have ever met!
“Yvonne has seen me when I had a mum and my life was simpler. She’s witnessed my evolvement in life just as I’ve watched hers. We are family forever … Regardless of our addresses.”

Yvonne with her beloved Om El Al Azeem on her wedding day. Credit Kelly Campbell
One individual who will be moving to Florida with her is Om El Al Azeem (Al Lahab x Om El Beneera), Yvonne’s unabashed equine boyfriend. Janina gifted Yvonne half-ownership of Al Azeem as a birthday gift in 2021, knowing how much the two had bonded. The beautiful white stallion even carried his girl to the altar on her wedding day, despite Yvonne’s flowing white dress.
“I fell in love with Al Azeem as a gangly yearling in 2007,” reflected Yvonne. “He was always goofing around; something just drew me to him. When I left for Australia, Janina said he was a little off because he was love-sick and missed me. That was it for me! We’ve been ‘together’ ever since.”
Om El Al Azeem and Yvonne have frequently featured together in April Visel Photography Workshops over the years; the two are a bonded pair for life.
Yvonne witnessed many incredible moments at the famed farm over the years. “The birth of [Om El] Erodite (EKS Alihandro x Om El Excella) will forever be engraved in my mind,” said Yvonne, who was the first to lay eyes on the filly that would sell for a record $1.55 million at auction.
“I’ll also never, ever forget seeing Al Azeem show at the U.S. Open in Central Park,” said Yvonne. “It was one of the few shows I ever attended, but I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. I was in tears watching him show. He absolutely owned that arena.” Om El Al Azeem was named Gold Senior Male Champion later that evening, with Yvonne by his side in the winner’s photo.

Om El Al Azeem before the New York skyline. Credit Emma Maxwell
But all the horses were equally adored under Yvonne’s care, and she grew to love the Om El Arab-bred horses especially over the years. “They are sometimes more human than horse to me,” said Yvonne. “They’re respectful, snuggly and not skittish, and trusting, even as babies. They’re the best horses.”
Yvonne wished to share a few messages to key individuals who have influenced her life.
To Sigi: “I owe everything to you, my gosh. She went to bat for me with my initial visa. She and Janina saw something in me that was worth that long ordeal. I don’t want to leave them; it feels almost like a betrayal, only because they’ve done so much for me.”
To Sanadik El Shaklan (El Shaklan x Mohena): “Thank you for teaching me how a breeding stallion should be. He was such a gentleman, sharp enough to keep you on your toes, but kind enough to be gentle. He was the first stallion I handled frequently, and he was the perfect teacher. Same with El Nabila B (Kubinec x 218 Elf Layla Walayla B). Stallions like them keep you humble but also give you valuable learning moments.”
To Om El Erodite: “Thank you for creating so many opportunities for the farm to develop and grow. She spread her wings so we could have years of growth and opportunities for the rest of the herd. I’m really hoping I can go visit her in Florida. I would love to see her.”
To Om El Maximus (Magic Magnifique x Om El Bint Beneera): “Oh you little…! He’s going to carry a torch and keep doing what he’s doing. He’s got great things coming for him. I don’t think we have to worry much about him. Maximus is going to pave the way for the farm. He’s his own self. He definitely has that sense of entitlement of the Beneera line that comes through. A little bit of Azeem in there as well.”
And to Janina: “Alongside Sigi, you made everything happen for me. When I was an intern in 2007, I worked closely with Janina and she taught me so much – yes, regarding the horses, but also with skills to be a future employee. Over the years Janina became so much more to be than just a boss. I see her as my sister! I’m grateful for the opportunities she’s given me and the trust she has placed in me. We have some many inside jokes, and a very odd sense of humour, especially the later it gets in the breeding season. I know no matter what happens, Janina will always be there for me!”
True to form, Janina effortlessly echoed Yvonne’s sentiments. “We’ll be there for each other forever,” she said matter-of-factly. “It’s evolving, but it won’t change. I can’t imagine a day on this farm that doesn’t physically involve her. But it doesn’t change our relationship. She’s family, and that’s an eternal bond. I’m so grateful for her leadership and partnership over the last thirteen years. We’ve been through a lot, but we’ve got through it and are better for it because we had each other.”

Credit April Visel
With the ending of one chapter marks the beginning of another. The laughter and tears shared over the years will leave behind not an absence, but a garden of moments woven together in a quiet understanding that love, once given, is never truly gone. Rather, it is a strong and steady staff to lean on whenever it is called upon.
Yvonne, we send you off to your next chapter with our love and our confidence that you will make waves wherever you go in your big, full life. And your Arabian horse family is here for you always, cheering you on.
From friends…
“Yvonne is a wonderful, dedicated and inspiring individual who loves all animals, in particular the Arabian horse. As a barn manager, she always goes above and beyond when taking care of the animals in her care; making sure they have every comfort they need at Om El Arab. She would always respond to you no matter what time you emailed or text about a concern about one of your horses and she frequently, just voluntarily, would let you know how your horse was doing without any prompting. Yvonne would support your endeavours in any way she could to promote your horse and bring joy into your life and enhance the Arabian breed. I never worried about any of my mares or foals in her care. She was there at each and every birth to make sure all went well, even when they arrived at two in the morning. What always amazed me is that she remembered the birth date of all my foals born at Om El Arab. Each foal was treated as if it was her own horse. I will miss her.” Madelyn Enright
“Yvonne has helped make my experience at Om El Arab a complete pleasure, indeed a privilege. She has watched over my little herd of precious Arabians with attentiveness and expertise for many years. She foaled my mares in the middle of the night and watched over all my horses with experience and diligence. Indeed, she saved the life of Siri V (Hariry al Shaqab x Santa Barbara Juell V) and her filly, Al Noor Sabiah (by Om El Benicio), when Siri was experiencing dystocia last year. Without Yvonne’s knowledge and quick action, we would have lost them both. In addition, Yvonne has become a dear friend. She has treated me with respect and patience. I wish her all the best with her new life with Josh.” Sherry Conrads
“One of the best. Yvonne’s knowledge and connections with horses is something rare in the industry. She has the unique ability to gain the trust of the most sceptical and the strength to help them through all the difficulties that can arise at a breeding farm. I never worry with a horse that Yvonne is looking over; she will always make the best decision for them.” Stacy Sachen
“Behind every great woman – Janina Merz – is another great woman, Yvonne Van Stiphout-Williams! Om El Arab is a magical haven for horses and for the owners of these precious horses largely due to Yvonne’s presence and involvement in all aspects of running the farm in tandem with Janina. Thank you, dear Yvonne. You will be missed, but forever revered for all you did daily to make us all so comfortable knowing you were looking after our precious horses.” Ralph Sessa
“It’s hard to describe how important Yvonne is to me and our horses. The day Kamilah [Shahmalika Al-Kamilah (Atticus ENB x Om El Shahnoor)] got hurt, the first call I made was to Yvonne. I have no idea what I thought she could do from five hours away. But hearing her tell me what to do was all I needed. When Yvonne came to visit Kamilah on 1 January, Kamilah had never been loose in the big arena. Yvonne took her out, let her go, and told me to relax. She is the only person I know who I would have trusted with Kamilah and, of course, she was right. Kamilah has been free to run ever since. Yvonne made me laugh that day! Kamilah ran towards her, and Yvonne stepped aside and said to Kamilah: “Hah yeah, you are related to Jamala!” Yvonne immediately knows every horse’s heritage, their birth date, what colour they were, what ears they had. Her memory is incredible! I could never say enough about Yvonne. In fact, if Yvonne hadn’t shown me Om El Salmaan (Om El Exquisit x Om El Shaina) in December 2015, I might not have ever realised my childhood dream of having a purebred Arabian, along with the six horses I have today. I could go on and on. Besides being Salmaan’s godmother, Yvonne is, quite simply, the best.” Angela Alioto
“Forged over long hours, tough cases and dedication to horse health at Om El Arab, a unique kind of partnership developed between Yvonne and me over the years. Her curiosity and integrity made working together rewarding and outcomes positive. Yvonne will undoubtedly excel in her next chapter just as she has in Santa Ynez, forging new partnerships and enriching new lives. Yvonne, you will be missed!” Dr Phoebe Smith, DVM
“Yvonne’s dedication and commitment to the Om El Arab programme is unmatched. Over the years, we have firsthand watched her lead by example with passion, hard work and love for the farm and every horse that resides there as if they were her own. We have entrusted our own beloved horses to Yvonne and the Om El Arab team, knowing that her expertise would always provide the very best for them. We are truly thankful to her for being there when our foals took their first breaths and when our beloved stallion took his last. We wish her every happiness in this next chapter of life! She will be missed. With much gratitude and appreciation.” Andy and Angie Sellman
“A positive attitude and dedicated professional sums up my experience working with Yvonne. She can handle a great deal of responsibility and make it all look easy! I could always count on Yvonne to help, whatever we needed. Besides her excellent expertise, she’s a super nice person! And the horses like her too, they know when they are being taken care of by someone who genuinely loves them. Best of luck Yvonne, you’re the best!” Connie O’Brien
“To us, Yvonne’s presence at Om El was part of the fabric. From the Frenchie Brigade to her slicing quick wit and everything in between. To say her absence will leave a hole is an understatement. Thank you, Yvonne, for warmly welcoming us into the Om El Arab fold.” Lisa Atterberry and Dina Cale
“Over the years, we have developed a close relationship with Yvonne. She has so many talents! An amazing horse person as well as a wonderful and friendly personality. She truly does the work of three people simultaneously: breeding technician, equine midwife, and great friend of the Arabian horse!” The Psynergy Equine Team
“Dearest Yvonne, What a pleasure it is to have shared so much with you over so many years. You are one of the most caring and capable people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. It’s been an absolute honour to watch you grow and evolve into a truly, truly, brilliant horsewoman over the years at Om El Arab. Seeing the indescribable joy on your face as you ran around Central Park, in your high heels, with Al Azeem, after he had just won his championship, still remains a favourite memory. Yvonne, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me and my horses over the years. For the endless help you have given so diligently, generously, selflessly and skilfully at all times of the day and night. All the miles on the trail we have ridden together… The fun, the laughter, the tears, and all the moments too numerous to mention. I have loved every moment. You truly are a rare treasure in my life and your friendship is something I hold very dear. I will miss you more than I can possibly begin to describe. Three cheers to you, Yvonne, and all my love always!” Diane Brown, Antheia Arabians

Yvonne, Janina and Lorraine Baker
“I first met Yvonne when I started an internship at Om El Arab in 2011. I had arrived while she was trailering horses back from Vegas. The other girls tried their hardest to describe ‘Von’ to me and what to expect on her return. In my infinite wisdom, I had decided immediately that I didn’t like the sounds of her. But how very wrong I was. We very quickly became thick as thieves. This bombshell blonde with a thick Dutch accent bounced into the barn and elevated the whole place immediately. Her infectious joie de vivre filled any space she entered – she’s the only person I know who could make an entire cinema belly laugh along with her – and made the mundane repetitive jobs that go hand-in-hand with horses a true joy, bar being covered, every single day, in bio sponge for three months solid. Thanks Yvonne. It became glaringly obvious what a rare equestrian Von is. Her ability to tackle any aspect in the barn from foaling down to collecting to backing and riding away horses beautifully is a testament to her true love for the animals. She’s a dying breed of pure horsewomen who are as rare as rocking horse poo and the fact that she is totally oblivious to how remarkable she really is makes it all the more magical. Thirteen years of sharing ups, downs, visa approvals, partners that came, went and stayed, extraordinary horses, laughing till I cried, crying till I laughed, learning, listening and watching… I don’t remember a time without Yvonne, but I thank my lucky stars regularly of the series of unfortunate events that led me to the sanctum that is Om El Arab and my best friend. I truly believe everyone should have a Yvonne in their life – although good luck finding one because I’d fight you for this one!” Love, Lorraine Baker
“Yvonne is Wonder Woman, plain and simple. In fact, I think Wonder Woman would call Yvonne Wonder Woman. There is nothing she cannot do, whether it is breeding a mare, delivering a foal, putting on a showing for a client, handling a stallion impeccably…. All of these skills and more that she does are usually several people’s jobs – and yet she does all of them, really well! Horse people are used to hard work, but Yvonne is hands down the hardest working human – er, superhero – I’ve ever met. And she does it all, day after day, week after week, year after year, with a great attitude. She is so good with all the horses, but with stallions she really shines. Working with stallions is an art, and Yvonne has done it masterfully with dozens and dozens of stallions over the years. All I can say is every time I’m at Om El and see her in action, I’m slack-jawed in admiration. There is only one Yvonne, and she deserves her own action figure!” Cindy Reich
“I’ve always admired the profound level of girl power at Om El Arab. Yvonne epitomised this in such a beautiful, perfect way, both literally – I love that she was a power lifter! – and figuratively. As I walked alongside Janina through all the changes of the past decade, I witnessed first-hand just how lucky they were to have Yvonne, and how perfect of a team she and Janina were together. The partnership was so perfect it felt like divine appropriation at times. Yvonne, your strength, confidence and competence, both as a woman and a horse professional, have always inspired me to no end. You deserve absolutely every good thing that comes your way, and I can’t wait to see you continue to blossom in whatever endeavour you pour your mind, heart and soul into. You are loved beyond measure!” Evie Sweeney
“Yvonne is one of the most honest, pure and true-to-herself persons I have ever had the pleasure of being around. A true ride-or- die friend, who is always there for you in a pinch, who never pulls punches and is the purest horsewomen you will ever know. She is a fierce ambassador for all horses and has personally foaled out more horses than anyone I know in the Arabian business! Yvonne’s heart is huge, her attitude is bigger and her laugh can fill canyons! She is one of my most cherished humans. All who get to be in her orbit are forever changed for the better.” XOXO, April Visel
“We will miss you with all our hearts.” Luca Bass-Merz
“Yvonne is family. Always and forever.” Benni Merz
“From when I was just a baby, I remember Yvonne as a mother figure. She is so beautiful inside and out and is one of the toughest women I know! I will always cherish the memories we make together.” Sophia Merz
“Farm managers who can nearly do-it-all certainly do not grow on trees. Try to find someone who can foal out 40+ foals per year, administer a gamut of equine medications, collect stallions, breed mares, prepare semen shipments, manage embryo transfers, drive truck and trailer to the equine emergency clinic in the middle of the night, handle stallions, organise septic system clean-outs, let the dogs out at lunch, coordinate pump and well repairs with daily farm water requirements, oversee farm staff, prepare for farm parties, and deal with mid-summer electrical outages and winter flooding. All this and more occurs among a myriad of relentless, never-ending daily farm tasks. Yvonne is that farm manager. Worldwide Arabian horse communities have thrived because of her dedication to Om El Arab and the breed. We all thank you!” Bryon at Om El Arab