There was something magical about being back at Michałow. After the excitement of the show and auction in Janów Podlaski, winding through the countryside approaching this iconic State Stud truly brought with it a sense of anticipation. It had been nine long years since I walked these barns – and I knew treasures awaited.
For such a seismic return to Michałow, at first glance, it appeared as though nothing had changed. I took comfort in that fact, knowing that despite the changing of the governmental guard, things here had stayed the same. As we walked the barns ahead of lunch, I wondered how much change I would see in the horses bred there since Director Białobok had left, and how much the new Director, Monica Słowik, had achieved. Suffice to say that by the end of the presentation, I knew that Michałow State Stud was in safe hands.
The barn may not have been as full as in previous years with visitors, but there were certainly plenty of people there to witness a wonderful presentation, given by Magda Helak-Kulczyńska and Scott Benjamin, supported by Monica Słowik and Jerzy Białobok – who was there to welcome so many old friends back with open arms.

As we sat there, waiting for the parade of some 48 horses, plus foals, to begin, there was an air of expectancy among those in the barn. There was a palpable murmur of excitement as people took their seats. Monica and Jerzy stood there, quietly surveying the scene, knowing that today is a special day, and one where history will be made – for all the right reasons. And, with that bubble of energy crackling in the air, it was time for the parade to begin.
Magda and Scott shared a brief history of the stud, which celebrated its 70th anniversary in 2023, before the first horses came out. The horses shown in family groups, showing where each group originated from.

The first of these were the families from Bábolna Stud, represented by the Semrie family, foaled in 1886 and imported to Poland in 1902. This is a small but precious family at Michałow, and first out was the 2016 mare, Dama Roz (Vitorio TO x Dama Karo by Enzo) with her colt foal Dytwin (by Morion) at foot. One glance, and I knew I was back in my ‘heart farm’ – that Michałow look was evident from the moment Dama Roz came into the barn, and it continued throughout the whole parade. Dama Roz is a lovely, tall bay mare and her son, Dytwin, was equally elegant and long-necked. Very tall for a February foal, this pair provided a magical opening to the afternoon. Her two-year-old daughter, Dama Dworu, followed, a full sister to Dytwin. This filly had the x-factor, and she truly shone in this family group. The final mare was four-year-old Dama Serca (Equator x Dama Karo by Enzo), another bay with huge, powerful movement. This was a special family group to start the afternoon with – dynamic bay mares with enormous eyes and all huge movers.

There followed two families from Crabbet Park, with mares from this famed English programme bought to Poland after the First World War. The first of these groups were from the Selma family, foaled in 1865 in Egypt and who went to Crabbet in 1870. Four Arabians represented Selma, beginning with Złoty Medal, a grey twelve-year-old stallion sired by QR Marc (Marwan al Shaqab x Swete Dreams by Magic Dream CAHR) and out of Złota Orda (Pesal x Zagrobla by Monogramm). My notes read that Złoty Medal is a “very cool stallion, purring his way around the arena.” You can see the Zagrobla influence in him, and he is an impressive stallion. The elegant bay Złota Mysl (Equator x Złota Bulla by Kahil al Shaqab) followed, and then we saw a daughter of the newly auctioned Zigi Zana (QR Marc x Zagrobla). A nine-year old grey, Zigi Zara is by Shanghai EA (WH Justice x Salymah EA by Khidar) and she was shown with her filly Zanella by Mutabahi al Hawajer (FA el Rasheem x ZT Magrumi by ZT Magnanimus), a stallion who has been used by both State Studs in the past year. Zigi Zara is an incredibly feminine mare with a touch of the wow factor, and with her daughter here to carry on the line, it became clear why they let Zigi Zana go. Completing the group was Palisandra (Kahil al Shaqab x Pasjenza by Enzo), with her filly Putilla by Ptolemeusz (Złoty Medal x Parmana by Al Maraam). There is a lot of breadth in this small family, and Palisandra was a lovely way to end.

Continuing with the Crabbet Park influence, we saw those representing the Rodania family, an iconic mare foaled in 1869 in Bahrain and imported to Crabbet in 1881. The founder of the Rodania family at Michałow was Pienoczka (Pawodok x Naturalistka by Naseem), imported from Tersk in 1956 and the foundation of the famed Michałow ‘P’ line. Collectively, the horses that followed were expressive and flamboyant, with ‘Michałow’ stamped all over them. First out was the charismatic Porto Rico (ex Parmania by Kahil al Shaqab ex Parmana), sired by Złoty Medal. His sire’s influence was clear, and there was much to love about this four-year old stallion. His granddam, Parmana (Al Maraam x Palmira by Monogramm) followed, and I just loved her. A beautiful fleabitten grey with a long neck and that Monogramm movement. Now sixteen-years-old, Parmana is one of the leading producers at Michałow, and she was shown with the next generation – Portland (ex Mutabahi al Hawajer), a very smart colt. Parmania herself came next, with the filly Paguera, a three-quarter sister to Portland and from the same sire. This was a beautiful pair, and Paguera is a truly lovely filly, smooth bodied and very showy. The Rodania family continued with Pustynna Dolina (Kahil al Shaqab x Pustynna Rosa by Ekstern), a nine-year old grey mare with long, elegant lines. The tall two-year-old filly Pustynia Wiktorii (Dominic M x Pustynia Kahila by Kahil al Shaqab) was next, with the great mare herself next. Pustynia Kahila (ex Pustynna Malwa by Ekstern out of Pustynna Rosa) completed this group, much to the audience’s delight. Pustynia Kahila was from Kahil al Shaqab’s first foal crop in Poland and it was great to see her in Michałow again – she’s still got all that charisma that made us fall in love with her all those years ago! This was a stunning group, underlining the continued quality of the Polish Arabian at Michałow.

We then moved onto families from Jarczowce, beginning with those of the Mlecha family, foaled in 1840 and imported to Jarczowce in 1845. This is a very small but precious family, and was represented by the ten-year-old bay mare, Tempra (Ekstern x Teneryfa by Poganin), who was at first overwhelmed by her audience but soon settled.

The Sahara family then followed, also foaled in 1840 and imported in 1845, comprising the ethereal grey mare, Daggara (Empire x Dżakarta by Piruet) and her yearling daughter, Dalbergia (by Ferrum by Morion out of Ferrmaria). Dalbergia is tall for her age, as are many of the Michałow youngsters, much of which is because of the richness of the grass they have there.

The last group was that of Gazella, foaled in Bahrain in 1840 and imported in 1845 and whose family is the largest in Poland. There are five branches alone at Michałow Stud, and with Sahara and Mlecha, Gazella makes up the three ‘pearls of the desert’. First in was the yearling filly Addenda (Erantis x Apolonia by Ekstern), whom I liked very much. This smooth bay had a lovely, elevated trot, and was followed by Grenetta (Empire x Glotra by Alert), a six-year-old grey mare. The showy Kasandra (Ekstern x Karola by QR Marc) was next, ahead of the snowflake grey Parantella (Kahil al Shaqab x Palanga by Ekstern), who was also lovely. Next came the incredibly showy chestnut Poganinka (El Omari x Pentra by Poganin). A beautiful mare, Poganinika showed the movement that earned her the Best Mover Award and Best Pure Polish at the 2024 Polish National Championships. Protekcja (Ekstern x Pentra by Poganin) followed with her lovely filly Peoria (by Mutabahi al Hawajer) at foot. The group ended with another Michałow superstar, this time in the form of eleven-year-old Morion (Kahil al Shaqab x Mesalina by Ekstern), who is maturing so well. His damline traces back to the oldest at Michałow, and he looked fantastic. What a way to end this section!

The last family group to be presented was those from Sławuta, starting with the Wołoszka section, foaled in 1810, which consisted of two mares – Lakonia (Chimeryk x Lawinia by Ekstern) and Livorna (AJ Azzam x Liguria by El Omari). Lakonia was a proud dark bay while Livorna also had beautiful width between her eyes, and both had a floating trot. A lovely pairing.

The Ukrainka, foaled 1815, family followed, starting with the beautiful Foggara (Ganges x Foggia by Gazal al Shaqab), who was watching us as much as we were watching her! By her side was Freya, a filly by Mutabahi al Hawajer who, I have to say, seems to have done a great job over the Polish mares. The floating Fortecja (El Omari x Formia by Gazal al Shaqab) was next with the almost black stallion Forman (Wachlarz x Formia) following, who while technically dark brown, could have passed for Black Beauty himself!

We were then treated to the Szwejkowska family, foaled 1880, who while still current, were more of an old style. The impressive dark bay Wizerunek (Ganges x Wizawa by Equator), whose ground-covering trot impressed. She was followed by Wietrzyca (Ganges x Witonia by Enzo), a six-year-old mare, and then the one and only Wieża Mocy (QR Marc x Wieża Marzeń by Ekstern). She has been one of Michałow Stud’s most successful mares in recent years, and it was a joy to see this classic Polish mare back at her home. Wildonara (Paris x Wildona by Shanghai EA) was next, a lovely two-year-old filly, and then it was the elegant Wildanova (WH Justice x Wilda by Gazal al Shaqab). This was a beautiful collection, and they left their mark.

The final group was that of Milordka, foaled in 1810, and this was the largest of the parade, with some fifteen horses shown. First out was the very showy Ekstern son, Edmund (ex Editha by Enzo out of Ejrene), swiftly followed by the highly garlanded colt, El Brillo (Morion x El Larinera by Emprire). Both had superb width between their eyes and had great quality. Edicola (Shams Sharav AA x Emiliara by Kahil al Shaqab) came next, a 2019 liver chestnut mare whose Egyptian influence was evident. El Mariella (Morion x El Marina by Ganges), fresh from her class win at the Polish Nationals was next, followed by the fleabitten grey El Medonia (Shanghai EA x El Medina by Gazal al Shaqab). This was a beautiful mare, with a lovely eye. The powerful-moving Emandilla (Om El Shahmaan x Espadrilla by Monogramm) came next, a stunning bay mare with a big fan club. Elegantia (AJ Azzam x Ellisima by Albedo), a very feminine two-year-old grey followed, who placed Top Five in this year’s Polish National Championships. The tall yearling El Cortinada (Erantis x El Larinera) was next, a smart filly, who was followed by El Medida (Morion x El Medara by Shanghai EA). This elegant and feminine five-year-old grey floated across the arena, still fresh from her journey from Janów Podlaski where she was named Bronze Senior Female Champion in an incredibly competitive class. The gorgeous grey El Medara (Shanghai EA x El Emeera by Ekstern) was next, with her expressive filly Erta Ale (by Mutabahi al Hawajer) at foot. With barely a breath, El Bellissima (Ascot DD x Ekliptyka by Ekstern) came next, a lovely long-necked chestnut who oozed quality.

And then, we were onto the final three horses – still the Milordka family, but one very special section of it: Emandoria (Gazal al Shaqab x Emanda by Ecaho) and two of her daughters. First was Ekarosa (by Paris by Kahil al Shaqab out of Palmeta), a two-year old filly who just floated in and gave me goosebumps. Ekarosa reminded me very much of her incredibly famous dam at the same age, and looking at her, you have to wonder why the previous managers let Paris go, if this is the quality he can produce. The 2016 mare Emrossa (by Vitorio TO by DA Valentino out of Sol Natique) followed – the last bred by Jerzy Białobok, making this a nice full circle between what went before and the now. And then, it was the great queen herself – Emandoria. I was not the only person in tears, with so many of us never believing that we would see this most extraordinary mare in the flesh again, back at Michałow. But there she was, dancing in the ring with Ekarosa, so like her dam, and Emrossa, who was also enchanting. Emandoria stole the show – and when you consider the names who had gone before her today, that is saying something. In highly charged scenes, Jerzy took the microphone and spoke in Polish to the audience, applauding Emandoria’s lifelong trainer Mariusz Liśkiewicz and all who work at Michałow. As Emandoria stood there, surrounded by her people, there wasn’t a dry eye in the house as she rightly received a standing ovation from everyone. What a way to end the presentation…

For so many years, I doubted that returning to Michałow would ever be possible – and if I did, would it be the same? This parade assured me that while things have changed and evolved – just as we all surely have to – that the quality is still there. The essence of Michałow is still there. My closing notes read that Poland, in particular Michałow, still has some of the qualities that have been lost in the modern Arabians, such as width between the eyes and expression. I have the word “width” between so many horses’ names on the list from Michałow, and it was only as I got to the end, I realised why I had written is so much – because it is not something we are used to seeing in the day-to-day show-ring anymore.
Yes, there is much work to do here to get the depth of the horses back to what it was, where the best of the best go to auction – leaving the cream of the crop behind. But with Monika in charge, and her determination to keep those elite mares at the farm, along with Jerzy’s support, I have faith that Michałow, too, will rise from the ashes, leaving the past eight years as a bad dream that we have, thankfully, awoken from.
Where Michałow Stud goes from now, only those working there know. But from sitting there ringside, watching these amazing Arabians come out, one after the other, I feel excited for the future ahead. Not least, as I now know, that there is another Emandoria waiting in the wings.
First published in The Arabian Breeders’ Magazine Special Edition September 2024
All photography by Anette Mattsson and Karolina Misztal
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