The 2017 British National Championships

Words by Charlotte Roberts-BarrPhotography by Sweet Photography   www.sweetphotography.comLead Picture: Maestro Des Alpes The annual pilgrimage to Three Counties Showground at the end of July was...

Simeon Shemini

On 26 September 1994 our lives were changed forever. A very special colt foal had been born at Simeon Stud, Australia. His name was Simeon Shemini.

The Stallions of Gemini Acres Equine: Breeding the Next Generation

Nestled off the main road between Scottsdale and the picturesque Cave Creek, Arizona, Gemini Acres Equine is a world-renowned breeding farm whose horses have truly put them on the global map.

Teenagers Triumph in Performance Horse Awards

The Arab Horse Society’s Performance Horse Awards scores are in for 2014. Teenagers Katherine and Becky Bertram won the Overall Championship and the coveted...