TheraPlate Peak Performance Award
This year’s Sport Horse National Arabian and Half-Arabian Championship Show featured Arabian and Half Arabian horses from many disciplines in top condition competing for National Championship Titles. One horse in particular stood out to judges and show co
Horse Vets asked to break law and risk UK equine disease...
The British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) is outraged that its members are being regularly asked to break the law by inseminating imported equine semen...
Arabian Horse Organization World Cup
Arabian Horse Organization World CupChantilly – France 4/5 August 2016Photography by SiR Arabian Horse Photography Judges: Peter Gamlin; Eric Gear; Tommy Husebye; Christian Moschini;...
Who said Arabs can’t Jump?
I got my first taste of jumping Arabs when I moved up from my 12.1hh Welsh section B mare onto our Arabian stallion Marcus Aurelius (Aurelian x Fiesta Magica).