British Breeding Performance Horse Futurity Evaluations
The British Equestrian Federation (BEF) Futurity scheme will once again hold discipline-specific evaluations at venues across the UK during the last weeks of August...
BEVA’s MumsVet introduces guidance resources for employers
MumsVet, the British Equine Veterinary Association’s (BEVA) online support platform for equine veterinary professionals juggling work and parenthood, has introduced important guidance resources for...
TheraPlate Peak Performance Award
This year’s Sport Horse National Arabian and Half-Arabian Championship Show featured Arabian and Half Arabian horses from many disciplines in top condition competing for National Championship Titles. One horse in particular stood out to judges and show co
Terence Gilbert – A light hearted look at the racecourse Picture: YorkA light hearted look at the race course.Terence Gilbert’s father worked at the National Gallery. As twelve year old lad, he was...