Nadir Dello Jato is a nine-year-old gelding who has taken the UK show scene by storm this season. Bred in Italy by La Milia Dario, and successful in international show-rings as a colt, Nadir Dello Jato has helped his new owner, Becky Georgeson, mend her heart after the devastating loss of her foundation mare, HT Odessa, and her daughters. Becky shares her story.

You could say I was destined to be around Arabian horses all of my life. When I was born, my mum and dad, Karen and Steve Georgeson, had the stallion SolMood (Fadjurs Dandy x Pearl Sand by White Lightning) and the mare White Velvet (White Lightning x Velvet Shadow by Bey Shadow). I used to go along to all the shows with them, and sit with the catalogue on my lap, watching and wishing that one day I would be in the ring showing these amazing creatures. I loved every minute.

When I was nine years old, my mum bred a beautiful bay filly, White China Bay, from her horses, and I had the chance to have her as my own. She taught me a lot; she was my first Arabian, and I competed in-hand and ridden with her as a teenager. When she was eight, I bred her to Ali Khan (Al Hakkim x Sharene by Khan Shadow). They were very well suited. China Bay gave me a colt foal with the most amazing eyes, Chakka Khan. I showed him as a three-year-old to first place in the Futurity at the British Nationals. This was one of the few occasions he was shown as when he was four months old, he fractured his back while out in the paddock. We cared for him and looked after him till he was fit, and we still have him now – he is 17 years old and is Nadir’s field companion.

Nadir Dello Jato (Shanghai EA x GS Futura) with Becky

When I was a teenager, I had the opportunity to work at High Tor Arabians. During this time, I gained confidence and knowledge around the Arabian horse. While visiting one day, I saw a new foal. She was only two weeks old and was out of my favourite mare there, HT Ormuz (Thee Equalizer x HT Obsession by Dakshah). All I could think about on my way home was this filly foal. She was exquisite, and I just had to telephone Joan and tell her I wanted her.

At weaning, HT Odessa arrived at our stables. Not only was she great in the show-ring, but she was a fabulous mother. My first foal from Odessa was by WH Justice (Magnum Psyche x Vona Sher-Renea by El Sher-Mann). I won this breeding in the WH Justice breeding lottery during a bad time for my family. The result was my incredibly special mare, Justa Princessa, foaled in 2010. To me, she was perfect, a real life rocking horse. I had many successes with her, including Gold Senior Female Champion at both the Classic Arabian Show and the Northern Group Show. Following this, we won our class at the British Nationals, just an incredible moment for me.

(Shanghai EA x GS Futura) with Becky

Odessa’s second daughter was by Makisa Adaggio (Vervaldee x Maradisha by Ekstern). Foaled in 2013, Gloryess was petite but pretty, with amazing conformation. She won every championship as a foal in the run up to the British Nationals, and then she was named Reserve British National Champion. This made her my first National Champion, bred, owned, produced, and shown by myself; it was incredible.

The last few years have been heart-breaking for me as I lost all three of my girls – Gloryess, Justa Princessa and, most recently, HT Odessa. They were all taken far too soon, and I cannot imagine what life would have been like if I hadn’t stumbled across my newest addition to the family.

It was when I was at the 2021 British National Championships that a friend brought Nadir Dello Jato to my attention. He was advertised on Facebook, and he looked amazing – just my type, and a true fairy-tail Arabian. He was by the ethereal stallion Shanghai EA (WH Justice x Salymah EA by Khidar), who was related to my mare Justa Princessa; no wonder I was drawn to him. Nadir’s dam is the Spanish/Polish bred mare, GS Futura (Wahid x TF Valmira by LM Perlamor).

I messaged his then owner, Charlotte Cozens, to enquire about him. Within the week, me and mum took the four hour journey to St Albans to see him in the flesh. When we arrived, Nadir had been living in the field and he wasn’t in show condition, but you could see he was simply stunning. From first sight, I knew he had to be mine. Within days of visiting, we were back on the road to bring Nadir back to his forever home.

Me and Nadir bonded instantly. He is the sweetest horse, so willing to do anything to please you – and for a treat! At home, he is easy to do in every way; he loves cuddles, going out in the field and hacking, always with his ears pricked and a spring in his step. He is super intelligent, and he whinnies when he hears my car arrive. At shows he is chilled and as cool as a cucumber until it is his turn to switch it on. Named the Giovanni Pernice, from Strictly Come Dancing, of the equine world, Nadir throws his Italian dance moves around the ring. He is, for sure, the best horse I have been partnered with as he flies on the end of the lead next to me. I am sure from every photograph you can tell through my beaming smile that Nadir makes me happy.

In the past 12 months, we have gained the Championship title at nine shows from nine entered. Nadir really has helped me make my dreams come true, firstly at the British Nationals this year where I gained my first British National Championships title outright, and then four weeks later I won my first ever blanket garland when Nadir was named UK International Champion with two 20s for movement. In the crowd favourite vote, two of the five international judges stood by us – to say I was overwhelmed was an understatement! If you’d have told me 12 months ago that I would have achieved all we have done this season, I would have laughed. I must say I’m still in shock and no it hasn’t sunk in; it has been a fairy-tail season.

It is safe to say that Nadir, you came into my life when I needed you the most. You are doing an amazing job of filling some very special hooves and healing my broken heart. I feel very blessed that I have experienced Princessa as my first horse of a lifetime, and now Nadir is well on his way to being my second.

For possibly our last dance of the season we head to Aachen, and the All Nations’ Cup. This show has always been my favourite show to go and spectate. The atmosphere, the arena, the crowd is just magical. Now, this year, I get the pleasure of showing my own special horse at this amazing show. Win or lose, we shall both be smiling and having fun all the way around. That is what showing is all about, right?

For now, I’m going to stay on this cloud as Nadir Dello Jato, you are making my dreams come true!

Postscript: Nadir and Becky went Gold Gelding Champion at the All Nations’ Cup, and then at the European Championships, making it nine times show, nine times Gold. Congratulations, Becky!

First printed in The Arabian Breeders’ Magazine Volume VI Issue III

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