The inspiration for The Pyramid Society has always been the Egyptian Arabian horse, but our Society’s strength is the people who love them. For this reason, the health and safety of each and every one of our members, exhibitors, staff, volunteers, enthusiasts and attendees remain of paramount importance in these unprecedented times.

As all of you are aware, countless events have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and difficult decisions have been required by organisations worldwide. It is with heartfelt disappointment we are announcing that the 2020 Egyptian Event at VHC, Lexington, Virginia USA, 30 July – 2 August, has been cancelled. This decision has not been made lightly and is a result of lengthy discussions with our board members, trustees, and those in the medical community who are familiar with the devastation and uncertainty caused by the current global Covid-19 pandemic. The Society also remains sensitive to the far-reaching financial and personal challenges to our members. We know that many of you have faced the unimaginable scenarios of losing loved ones, illness among your families and friends, and uncertainty regarding the future. Proceeding in this challenging time could also prove to have a negative financial impact for the future of the Society. We feel it is far better to prepare for brighter days while remaining focused on our mission and vision for the future.

For those members who have horses enrolled in EBC and/or Futurity classes, rest assured that these classes will be held in 2021 and you will have the opportunity to compete. We understand that you will need adequate time to prepare for that competition and our plan is to announce dates and location by late fall and to give at least five months lead time. We are also pursuing holding our EBC auction on-line later in the year so that stallion owners have the opportunity to showcase their stallions, and breeders may purchase breedings for this important Society program. Meanwhile The Society is actively planning virtual options to continue our tradition of education and promotion for the straight Egyptian Arabian worldwide. We will provide updates as soon as information is available.

Like most non-profit organisations and many businesses during this time of uncertainty, we are facing a potential loss of income. The Board is keenly aware of their responsibility to serve as good stewards particularly in this stressful time of uncertainty. Because the majority of our staff time in the months preceding the Egyptian Event is spent in planning and execution of this annual activity, the Board has requested that the office take a three-month hiatus, beginning 1 May except for essential business. This will result in a considerable savings to the Society to help ensure a brighter future for us all once the current pandemic is behind us.

We stand united in our care and concern for each member of our global Pyramid Society family and remain dedicated to our mission of preservation, perpetuation and promotion of the straight Egyptian Arabian horse. Thank you for your support and understanding.

The Pyramid Society



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